GIFT WRAP HACK - Turning a box lid into a smaller gift box

GIFT WRAP HACK - Turning a box lid into a smaller gift box

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Hey, friends!
Thanks for stopping by!

In this video I will be showing you how to create a gift box out of a single foldable gift box lid or base. This can only be done with rectangular shaped gift boxes with a length that is NO LESS THAN 3x the height of the box (I might have just confused anyone who doesn't enjoy math).

For example: If a gift box height is 2" tall, the length of the box must be at least 6" long in order for this gift wrap hack to work.

Let me know if you end up using this gift box trick! It comes in handy a lot of times for me!

SUBSCRIBE if you'd like to learn more about gift wrapping, bow making, crafting, and all things paper!

Thank you and make today great!!

#giftwrapping #howto #lifehacks

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