Decorate a Gift Box with Woven Fabric Ribbon

Decorate a Gift Box with Woven Fabric Ribbon

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Publish Date:
3 December, 2022
How to Make a Gift
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Add a handmade touch to the top of a gift box lid with fabric ribbon. Use a ruler and scissors to cut carpet tape to desired lengths. Peel backing off one side of a tape length. Center tape length on wrong side of fabric, sticky side down. Smooth tape to adhere it to the fabric. Use a rotary cutter to trim taped fabric to desired widths and lengths. To use a woven ribbon wrapping technique to decorate a gift box lid, cut strips from four different patterns of fabric tape. Make sure the strips are long enough to wrap onto the lid sides; do not remove the backing. Weave the strips across the lid. Once you're comfortable with the design, peel and cut off only 1" of backing from each strip end; leave the rest of the backing in place. Press strips ends to the lid sides to hold the weave in place.

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