What I Got For My Birthday π| BEST Birthday Gift Ideas For Everyone !!
Dress Link- https://share.urbanic.com/81230/shop/2/app
:: Follow on Instagram for more updates :::
Instagram- https://www.instagram.com/creations_t...
Studio Tour- https://youtu.be/cmF96ld7BE4
Stay Tuned for all the future videos :)
Camera- Canon 700D and kit lens
Software- Final Cut Pro x
Vlog Camera- iphone/Canon G7X
Everything in this video is created by Ayushi Singh (CreationsToInspire) and is protected under Copyright Law. Please do not use any picture/video/content without asking my permission.
Thank you so much for watching my video.! It means a lot.! Keep Inspiring.!
Loads of love.!
- Ayushi